26 Jun

I don't know about you, but when I get into bed at night, I already dream about my breakfasts in the morning! So what happens when you are on a diet? Do you dread the next day of waking up and having to come up with something that is NOT toast? Most of us do! 

Here you find some variations that hopefully will inspire you to keep on track and hey, you might find a complete new you in the morning to go with it? 

Introducing candidate 1, our esteemed Sweet Potato, covered in your favourite toppings!

I love toasting sweet potato slices about 2-3 cm in thickness, toasted for about 2 minutes each side or 2 mins in the toaster itself! Top them with peanut butter or fresh guacamole.

#veganbrekkie #sweetpotatotoast #vegan #veganfoodporn #veganrecipes #vegano #plantbasedbreakfast #avocado #weightloss #vitaminc #vitamina #antiinflammatorydiet #alkalinefood 

Introducing Candidate 2, your own granola with no nasty hidden additives!

Yum yum #keto #granola for the next few days. Here is how:

1/2 cup each of all the nuts you like. I used pecan, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and kernels, Brazil and macadamia nuts here.

Melt 50g butter with 1 tsp of cinnamon and 1 tsp of vanilla extract.

Combine this in a big bowl.

Spread on parchment paper and roast in the oven for approx 6-10min (until golden brown). Enjoy over yoghurt with berries!

#ketotransformation #ketodiet #ketovegetarian #ketotransformation #ketoweightloss #ketobreakfast #rapidweightloss 

Introducing candidate 3, your Green Hero in the form of a liquid breakfast (for those who just don't want to have breakfast in the morning #sleepinginfoods #getupandgofoods).

My favourite way to start the day every day is this gem 💚 Packed with Iron, Vit C, Magnesium, Calcium, Vit K, .... the list goes on.

Half Cucumber
Half Avocado
Half Lemon
Coriander (swap with parsley if you dislike)
Knob of fresh ginger and turmeric
1 celery stick
1 Green Apple
330ml coconut water
0,5l distilled water

#leangreen #juicy #fruity #vitamninbomb #ironbooster #immunityboost 

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